All fees should be paid strictly as scheduled. No cheque will be accepted. | Young students should not be entrusted with the payment of fees. |
A delay beyond two months in the payment of fees renders a student’s name liable to be struck off the rolls. | If fees are not paid within 30 days from the due date or not excused by a special arrangement, students are liable to be sent home without prior notice or warning. |
No deductions are made for vacations or broken periods. | Pupils will not be allowed to sit for terminal or final examinations unless the fees have been paid to date. |
In the absence of a calendar month’s notice for withdrawal of a student, one additional installment of fees will be payable without any consideration for any broken period. | All fees are to be paid every month in the School Office/Bank. |
There may be an increase of 10-20% in fees after three years. | The fee schedule and other changes are intimated to the parents separately and may change as and when necessary. |
If fees are not paid on or before the last date a fine of Rs.20/- will be charged per day. | Fees once paid will not be refunded. |
RTE (Details to be uploaded)
Under RTE, the School recognizes the children belonging to weaker section and disadvantaged group in the neighbourhood and provides free education by admitting the children in class I, to the extent of at least twenty five percent of the strength of that class.